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New UK Immigration Laws: Is the Start-Up or Innovator Visa the Best New Route into the UK?

Learn more about which Visa will suit your business in brief.  If you want assistance with visa routes and are seeking a UK visa and immigration lawyer, Mishoura is the simplest method to discover one. They assist businesses in finding and shortlisting at least two legal firms and individual lawyers with whom to collaborate.  Visit at -

5 Things to Look for When Finding the Best Employment Lawyer

 As an employer it is advised to seek legal counsel if a dispute or case is brought forward with one or more of your employees. A breach of contract or unfair dismissal are two of many events that could occur between you and your employees, which could possibly lead to a court case. So having the best employment lawyer will establish you have the correct backing against the case or information you need to stop a dispute turning into a court case altogether. Having a solicitor will also show your employees you take them seriously and are willing to help them in a lawful way.

Below are the Top 5 Things you need to look for when choosing your employment lawyer


This is a big one, does the lawyer you’ve found have previous experience in the field you need? If you have done your research into their experience and background and they either have not dealt with employment law or the same type of employment dispute you are hiring a lawyer for, then do not hire this lawyer to help you with your employment situation. You can ask to see the lawyer’s portfolio, this will give you examples of some of the cases they have already handled. That way you can see if a similar case to the one you are experiencing has been handled by them in the past and what the outcome was. Seeing the outcome will show if they are good at winning the cases that are brought to court, which will also give an understanding on whether they are the right lawyer for you or not, because at the end of the day you want one who is good at what they do.


There will be a lot of firms that have the experience you need for an employment lawyer, however, you need to whittle them down by looking not just at their experience but also their reputation. Knowing what reputation they have will let you know if you are willing to work with this lawyer to help you with your cases. There are a few ways you can check the reputation of the firm:

  •  Reviews

    You can search the internet for reviews that other people have written about the firm you are looking at. This will give you an inside view of someone else's personal experience with the lawyer.

    However, some law firms can pose online as clients of their competitors to leave bad reviews. The majority of the time reviews that are posted online are bad reviews, as they seem to take priority over good reviews. So keeping this in mind, please remember to take reviews with a pinch of salt, before making your mind up.

  • Ethics Violations

    You can research any disciplinary actions that have been taken against your lawyer under the solicitors regulation authority in the UK. This will tell you if the lawyers have done anything before that is not ethical, like negligence and abusing the client’s funds.

  • Word of Mouth

    You can also ask people personally about that law firm, research who has worked with them before, and ask them yourself how the lawyers they hired dealt with the cases and if they were ethical with how they conducted their work.


Having your lawyer close to hand is nothing but a good thing, a relationship with your lawyer online is fine but face to face connections are a great positive for your business. Some cases will need your lawyer to talk to your employees and or anyone involved with whatever case is brought up. Doing this face to face will only gain trust and traction with the information given to the lawyer to help you and your business in the case. There may be a time the lawyer needs to see something urgently and them being within the same location as your site will make sure no time is wasted with travel or poor wifi or video quality with an online conversation.

You can also read - What are the Challenges Involved with Finding a Lawyer?

Who have they Worked With?

Some people assume that an employment lawyer will have experience with working with both the employee or the employer and being on both sides. There are times when the lawyer has a one sided view on the case depending on who has hired them. So you need to ensure you find one who has experience with working with an employer’s point of view or both. It is advised to find one who has experience with both, this will establish knowledge and experience on the best strategy to bring to your case.

Are they in your Budget?

I am sure you have a set budget laid out when it comes to how much to spend on a law firm. Experience and repudiation will have an impact on how much the employment lawyer will cost. The bigger the reputation the more in demand they will be, making their charge higher. Each firm will have a different hourly rate for different solicitors depending on what they specialise in. This is where doing your research comes in handy to ensure you find the right lawyer that specialise in employment law for the budget you have. You can compare prices from different law firms to see which one fits you best, however, remember that the ones that cost more will usually be the ones in high demand because they have the reputation and experience that makes them worth the money.

Although these are only 5 things to look for and consider when finding an employment lawyer. There are more things that should be taken into consideration. Make sure you meet up with the firm you have researched and are happy with what they are offering to you. It is also advised to meet up with more than one to compare them to establish which one ticks the most boxes.

We know doing all this research on firms in and out of your area is a lot of work, effort, and time. Mishoura will be able to help you find your perfect employment lawyer by putting their work, effort, and time in. By letting them the legal issue you have, Mishouras team of experts will search the legal market to find the best lawyer for your depending on experience, reputation, budget and location, peer reviews, and similar case history.

They will be able to whittle this down for you and give you a shortlist of 2 firms within 90 minutes of your needs being heard. Running a business will be easier if you get help for your law needs with Mishoura to make sure you get the best lawyer.

Originally published at-


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